行動是緩解焦慮的最佳良藥,一起來參加 g0v 網路黑魔法防禦松吧!
- 可以用來查詢 LINE 詐騙的工具
- 區塊鏈的犯罪金流追蹤方法
- 關於針對詐騙與兒少色情影像防治的新點子
活動簡介 by 仔魚、Peter
【活動前,歡迎您提早開跑 !】
(0) 認識 g0v 宣言 (https://g0v.tw/manifesto/),了解並遵守 g0v 社群行為守則 (https://g0v.tw/coc/)。
(1) 瀏覽當天的提案,目前已有兩個提案囉 (打詐獵人團、Open165),歡迎運用 5 分鐘的時間,提出您想要揪人 hacking 的主題與內容:
(2) 瀏覽當天活動的共筆文件,目前頁面中也有持續蒐集,降低詐騙網站曝光度的措施、可疑訊息查證的專案、私密影像外流防止的專題報導、各式各樣詐騙方式及因應對策蒐集文件:
(3) 註冊 g0v.hackmd 一起共筆修改文件內容吧:https://g0v.hackmd.io/
(4) 註冊加入 g0v Slack 聊天頻道 #dada (名稱取自以下英文的縮頭字 Defence Against the Dark Arts),分享構想,參加討論:https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/joing0vslack
(5) 當天參加活動,歡迎您攜帶筆電 (現場有桌椅插座與 wifi),水瓶水杯 (有飲水機,有冷熱水)。
(6) 活動過程請遵守 g0v 社群行為守則 (https://g0v.tw/coc/),現場掛紅頸繩的參加者不願被拍照記錄。
【g0v 社群行為守則】內容如下
g0v 社群參與者應共同致力於提供一個友善且無騷擾的環境給每一位參與者,無論其性別、性傾向、年紀、身心理狀態、外貌、族群、信仰、政治立場或技術偏好。
- 關於性別、性傾向、身心理狀態、外貌、族群、信仰、政治立場或技術偏好等等的口頭冒犯評論;
- 於公共場所展示帶有性含意的圖片;
- 故意恐嚇、跟蹤、追隨、騷擾攝影與錄影人員;
- 持續以言語或其他形式干擾演講、線上協作或其他活動進行;
- 不適當的肢體接觸;
- 以及不受歡迎的性關注。
- 當參與者要求停止騷擾行為時,請即刻停止相關的騷擾行為。
如果您被騷擾,或者發現有人被騷擾,或有任何其他疑慮,請立刻向其他參與者、管理員或活動籌備團隊求助。g0v 社群預期所有的參與者無論在任何線上/線下場域,都能夠遵守上述規則。
【g0v Code of Conduct】內容如下
Participants in the g0v community must work together to create a friendly environment free of harassment for all participants, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, mental state, appearance, race, religious or political beliefs, or technological preferences.
Any sexually explicit, violent or discriminatory language and/or imagery is inappropriate at any online or offline community event/space, including at hackathons, seminars, speeches, workshops, gatherings, social media chatrooms and even in source code or documents.
If you violate these rules, organisers or project owner, have the right and authority to expel you. Other participants must also actively try to prevent all harassment and other inappropriate behaviour.
Participants are not required to reimburse recompensate the recourses or money (such registration fees and donations) that had already been contributed by those who have since been expelled. Speakers, sponsors, contributors, project owner and others in specific roles are also participants, and thus must abide by the same rules as all others.
Harassment includes:
- Offensive comments regarding the gender, sexual orientation, mental state, appearance, race, religious or political beliefs, or technological preferences of others;
- Displaying sexually explicit images in public;
- Intentionally intimidating, stalking, following or harassing the photographer or cameraperson;
- Repeatedly disrupting the proceedings of speeches, online cooperation, or other events through verbal or other means;
- Inappropriate physical contact;
- Unwelcomed sexual attention.
- Please immediately stop such harassing behaviour when requested to do so by other participants.
If you have been harassed or have discovered that others have been harassed, please immediately ask for help from other participants, managers or the event organising team. The g0v community hopes that participants can follow the above rules at both online and offline events.